The 7 steps : -
Step 1 - Liquid only
This is most traditional step, quickest and purest means of flushing out the toxic. By adding a fresh lemon to warm water will help to neutralize the acidity and stimulate the bowels.
If you find that this is too restricted for you, you can take freshly made fruit and vegetable juices as well. Besides, as i mentioned before, herbal or spices tea is also good for detoxification, same to broth too.
Alot of people will think that, if they miss some meals, they will faint or fade away. On the other hand, after detoxification, you will feel more energetic.
Step 2 - liquid and fruit only
Fruit might taste acidic , but it is generally alkaline foods that help to neutralize the acidic waste which is produced when you start the detoxification. Fruits consist of high fibre which is very efficient in shifting away the decayed material in the intestines. It is also encouraged to buy organic vege during the detox programme.
Great fruits for detoxification include apples, pineapple, mango, grapes and water melon.
Step 3 - add raw vege
Bean sprout can do some magic in increasing the nutritional content of seeds. Garlic shall be mixed as a good blood cleanser. Take some vege with detox effects ie. fennel, watercress, dandelion leves and parsley.
Step 4 - add cooked vege and brown rice
Leafy green vege plays an important role for detoxification. Brown rice should be taken, as it is considered as most easily digested rice due to the fibre contents.
Cooked vege that you might consider are leeks, globe artichoke, jeruselam artichoke and beetroot. The vege should be cooked in boiling water in short time as possible and avoid frying if possible.
Step 5 - add beans, lentils, nuts and seeds
We must take note that beans and rice shouldnt be mixed as it will slower the digestion process. Nuts and beans should be eaten raw and unsalted. All beans, lentils, nuts and seeds will speed up the digestion.
Step 6 - add grains and live yougurt
Good yougurt should be from sheep or goat. Comparatively, these yougurts are easier to digest than cow's. Talking about grains, the grains should wholegrains, which provide fibre and move wastes through intestines. Choose some barley and oats shuld be good enough.
Step 7 - add fish
Any fish will be good, but better one will be cold-water fish.
By this stage you should be more in tune with your body.
Add dairy products and meat gradually as this is high in saturated fats.
Add the complex food ie. wheat at last to avoid the increase of the chances of indigestion.
Happy enjoying the detoxification steps...
Please note that this diet is planned for a normal, healthy adult and should not be undertaken without prior consultation with doctor by anyone who is pregnant, on whatsoever long-term prescription drugs or has dietary allergy or restriction
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